Project Management and the Federal Sustainable Energy Essay

Total Length: 568 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Project Management and the Federal Sustainable Energy Initiative

Playing Favorites Business Analysis

While politicians have long delivered empty platitudes celebrating the role of small businesses, praising these enterprising Americans as the cornerstone of our nation's capitalist system, reviewing empirical data gleaned from studies on business size quickly shatters that oft repeated illusion. Comprehensive research on the relationship between the size of a business and the benefits provided it through institutional means has consistently demonstrated that large businesses and corporations receive an inordinate share of the federal subsidies, tax breaks, and other opportunities designed to level the proverbial playing field. Whereas a small business with a small staff of local employees is forced to shoulder the burden of payroll taxes and other costs associated with insuring a workforce, the typical corporation with thousands of employees is permitted to outsource as many positions as possible to reduce their tax and insurance liabilities (Wiklund & Shepherd, 2003).

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After conducting an exhaustive empirical analysis of the relationship between businesses of various size and their lending institutions, a team of financial researchers found that "firms that borrow from multiple banks are charged a significantly higher rate" (Petersen & Rajan, 1994), a trend which is disadvantageous to small businesses that have been forced to seek additional capital from alternative sources to survive the effects of a prolonged recession. When the totality of the situation is examined objectively, it becomes clear that the intended structure of America's capitalist economy has been rendered unrecognizable, with those companies most in need of assistance being ignored in favor of massive, multinational conglomerates.

In a transparent effort to persuade the general public that small businesses are actually protected and preferred by governmentally employed contractors, an….....

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