Program Problem/Idea (the Context of Thesis

Total Length: 862 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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4.Defined institutional and personal context for the program.

The proposed program is an endeavor to create a federally recognized, federally-funded adult literacy program. The program will also create and maintain literacy standards and objectives, with a core part of the program being devoted to application. One of the main objectives of any adult literacy program is to help stimulate personal growth and development. Moreover, an adult literacy program like this one will aim to stimulate job creation and boost local economies. Individuals participating in the program will be shown not only the mechanics of literacy but how those skills can increase their career flexibility and allow them to compete for jobs in an increasingly competitive global market.

5.Describe the target population: age, grade, reading level, attention span, occupation, previous work experience, motivation level, health, interests, socio-economic status, attitudes toward school or work, previous performance levels, language, ethnic/cultural background, gender.

The target population includes anyone over the age of 17, whether or not they are citizens of the United States and whether or not they have high school diplomas.
Special attention will be offered to critical and at-risk communities including high school dropouts in impoverished areas, new adult immigrants, and children of immigrants. The poor will be especially served by this adult literacy program, which will not discriminate on the basis of gender or ethnicity. Participants in the adult literacy development program will also possess a wide range of pre-existing skills.

6.Identify learning-site constraints that could affect design and delivery.

Learning site constraints that could affect program design and delivery include the following. First, funding will determine where offices may be located and the extent of the literacy development network. We will require extensive federal funding, and wish to rely as little as possible on private funding to avoid conflicts of interest with religious organizations. Public education may play an integral role in learning site development, via the donation of space at public schools. Therefore, constraints also include conflicts with pre-existing programs and community resources. Logistics and funding are the two main constraints to the development of the adult literacy program......

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