Profit Management the Overall Mission Research Paper

Total Length: 797 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 15

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" Since this clearly person was not trained to answer questions about governance, I was connected to a "sponsor relations" associate. Speaking to this second person located in the Kansas City main office, I asked how Children International "operates." During our discussion, the customer service associate became passive-aggressive and unwilling to discuss internal matters; clearly the associate had never fielded questions about governance. While the associate could only "have to get back to me on that," she did not take any interest in the profile of the board. My perception is that the associate felt that the board is a private or almost confidential unit, rather than a publicly transparent, well-regarded entity. The associate was quite sure, however, that the board consisted of the non-indigent.

Children International represents a conventional aid scenario: children are starving in a distant nation, and if only the global north were aware of their pains, they would choose to donate funds to them. However, globalization is starting to catch up to even the poorest of countries. In Brazil, Russia, India, and China, more children are getting educated and fed. Change is afoot internationally, even as industrialized nations experience a stale economy.

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A recent report has revealed the greatest increase of employment is in developing nations, as the United States is able to export more than it has since 2007. While Children International plays out the same message in mass mailings, it should adopt creative measures to change policy.

Children International has seventeen field offices in eleven countries. Field offices gather data that the central office in Kansas City uses to conduct research on its beneficiaries. Donors have no say in the governance of the board. The customer is not always right; in fact, a non-profit board's idealism serves as an example to the donors, who believe in the goodness of the board's actions. In a non-profit board, the stakeholders are the subaltern, and seeing that non-profit board members have a substantially lower pay scale than corporate board members, the non-profit board identifies with the subaltern. Let the board reflect these interests in a new away.


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