Professional Ethics and Potential Conflicts Thesis

Total Length: 1765 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

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Generally, with the exception of outright ethical violations, it is often context and the particular dynamics associated with any extra-therapeutic relationships and the specific type of therapy involved that determines precisely where the line between boundary crossing and boundary violation exists.


Undoubtedly, the nature of psychological therapy and the nature of the relationship dynamics between therapist and patient raise more potentially delicate ethical issues than physical medicine. Various aspects of interpersonal relationships and professional associations between therapist and patient represent potential threats to the outcome of therapy as well as to the health, welfare, and well-being of patients more generally. To a large extent, it is the responsibility of therapists to scrupulously adhere to ethical guidelines to distinguish between dual relationships that pose ethical issues from those that do not. Therapists enjoy latitude in that regard as pertains to some forms of dual relationships, while others are strictly prohibited by ethical codes and penal law.

Ultimately, patients rely on professional therapists to meet their ethical obligation to avoid any conduct that could harm them or reduce the likelihood of success associated with their therapy.

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For that reason, erring on the safe side is always the most prudent course of action for therapists in the field of human psychology......

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