Product: The Redux Corporation, a Term Paper

Total Length: 852 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Which means that there is a greater adrenaline rush for product users?


The main difference between Cocaine and other competitors is product placement; it has done a wonderful job of providing an underground advertising campaign that has caused even more people to become interested in it. Its current strategy of providing limited supplies has also helped to create greater hype for the product as it is only accessible through Peer to Peer websites such as Ebay and their primary sales website. Another strong factor in its favor is its increased dosage of caffeine. With 280 mg of caffeine per 8.5 ounce bottle, it easily outclasses the majority of competitors on the market. However, this high dosage may in fact work against the company in the future, as numerous doctors have come to the fore to attest to the health risks of drinking such much caffeine in one sitting.

What Makes the Product Great:

The best part of this product is the product placement methodology that Redux has employed. By strongly using a website-based promotion program rather than advertisements, they were able to leverage the shock value of their product to their full advantage. Through outraged criticism from interest groups and news websites, they have been able to brand themselves without having to break the bank in advertising costs.

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As a result, their product now has all of the hype of industry leaders within only two months of its release.


Although the current strategy that Redux has employed with Cocaine is brilliant, there could be long-term negative impacts to this campaign. The first is that their current hype factor will not last long if their product does not live up to its reputation. The best way to ensure that their brand continues to flourish is if they provide higher value than their competitors. This seems to be the case with their greater caffeine content, however, the current warnings of health risks could strongly damage their reputation. In order to capitalize on this product they should turn to a much more low key advertising campaign once this product goes mainstream. In this way, when it is shown that there are negligible health risks, there will be a reduced backlash to the product's name.

Cocaine Energy DRink. (2007, January). Retrieved January 21, 2007, from

Cocaine. (2007, January 18). Retrieved January 21, 2007, from

SOWRY, M. (2006, September 18). The Ultimate Energy Drink: Cocaine? Retrieved

January 21, 2007, at

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