Product Launch Plan the Elements of Product Essay

Total Length: 878 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Product Launch Plan

The elements of product launch plan that are going to be looked into here include the distribution strategy, financial information, and marketing research.

Marketing Research

Teas N. Line has undertaken to deal in Oolong, Green, Yellow, and Black tea after realizing that tea after some time tea loses its freshness after it has spent some time on the shelf and that consumers want tea that is freshly packaged and shipped in oxygen free packaging. The consumer's preference for pleasant smelling tea as opposed to those having bitter and stringent taste has made the proprietors of Teas N. line to consider introducing the above named teas in the international market. Consumers have become very aware of the health risks they are exposed to by soft drinks and have consequently turned to flavored waters and tea as alternatives. The Teas Line N. seeks to be a healthy alternative to tap water and soft drinks.

This line of tea targets the three top portions of consumers eager to try new products, the innovators, early adaptors and early majority. It is projected that the products will appeal to middle and upper middle-class market. With regard to market demographics, it is projected that the youth and the children can use bottled tea as an alternative to soft drinks. Teas N. Line is easily accessible in fast food chains and grocery shops, is available in many flavors, its natural ingredients have health benefits, and it has unique packaging for prolonged shelf life. These make the product appeal to customers' desire for healthy lifestyle changes.

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The product also has reduced cost.

The only threat to its penetration of the market is competition from already established participants and economic decline that has continued to affect sales and distribution of products. The tea has also to be imported from overseas.

The Teas N. Line is seized of the fact that Brazil, in terms of geographical area it covers and its population, is the largest country in the South America having a population of over 200 million people. In fact, it is one of the world's fastest growing major economies. This has made the product line to come up with marketing strategies that are responsive to the demand of this enormous economy. The pricing decisions that have been initiated have been informed by the fact that this product is unknown in the country and that there would be transportation and distribution expenses that would be incurred in order to get the product delivered to Brazilian distributors. Focus has therefore been put on Brazilian cities where the upper and middle class reside. Pricing will in the mean….....

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