Presidential Power Do Our Presidents Have Too Essay

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Presidential Power

Do our Presidents have too much or not enough power? Why or why not?

The President of the United States has the primary duty of ensuring that all U.S. laws are carried out properly and that the federal government runs effectively. He or she does not have the power to introduce or enforce new legislation; this power belongs to Congress. However, he or she is elected "for the people, by the people" and has the power to veto any bill legislature approves. This is significant authority, but ultimately, Congress (elected Senate and House of Representatives members) works as a unit to create and lobby for the laws that ultimately govern our society and can override a Presidential veto.

The President serves as Commander in Chief of the U.S. armed forces, oversees foreign policy, creates treaties with foreign nations and appoints ambassadors to the U.N. And other countries. This is considerable power because it relates to our place in the free world -- who we are allies with, who we are not, and how we defend against anything or anyone who threatens our way of life and our nation. The President has the authority to deploy the armed forces at his discretion, with congressional approval. He may also ask Congress to declare war on other nations.

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The President's power also extends to making key appointments such as the Vice President, Attorney General, and the Presidential Chief of Staff. He or she can also appoint Supreme Court justices and federal judges. In this way, the President has the power to steer the tone and policy for the entire executive branch and how laws are enforced. Ultimately, the President of the United States has just enough significant power in terms of legislative duties, foreign policy and military declarations of war. This power is limited, however, by two-thirds majority votes in Congress to overstep a veto and the power of the Electoral College and the public to elect and re-elect. Therefore, Presidential power is neither all-inclusive nor absolute.

What personal qualities do you think are needed to be a successful President? Are the qualities needed in peace time the same as in war time?

I think that a President should first and foremost be intelligent. Policies should be realistic and decisions should be in the best interest of the American people. An extensive knowledge of the U.S. political system is important, as are excellent public speaking skills. Being able to speak to the people during times of peace and war is critical.


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