President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Term Paper

Total Length: 1376 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

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In addition, the New Deal created many agencies to ensure something like the Great Depression could not happen again. Later in the New Deal Roosevelt created Social Security, and program that continues today. In addition, the New Deal also created the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC), the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), and the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA). All of these government agencies still exist to ensure safety and security at work, on the farm, and in the stock exchange and financial institutions. These agencies are insurance for the public and for business, and they are some of the most important agencies Roosevelt created.

Many critics felt these programs created too much of a dependence on American government, a criticism which lingers today as the government has become even more involved in the health and welfare of the people. However, these programs reassured the people at the time, and gave them hope some tragedy like the Great Depression could not cripple the country again. In fact, the economy was not adversely affected by these programs, and around the globe, American gained strength as the programs began to take effect and turn the country's workforce around.

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Another writer notes, "The depression brought great hardship and suffering to millions of Americans. It also created a political and social atmosphere fertile for major changes across the entire range of economic, political, and social institutions and policies."

The American farm programs to guarantee the prices of certain crops also began during the New Deal to help ensure farmers could continue to farm their land and make a profit. Many of these programs still exist today, too, another tribute to the longevity and forward thinking of these projects.

Perhaps the most important aspect of FDR's New Deal was its impact on history. While not all the programs were successful, overall, the New Deal helped get the nation back on its feet, and it put hundreds of thousands of people back to work. It also provided housing, culture, and infrastructure that still exist today. The New Deal was a good deal for the country, and without it, the country's recovery might have taken much longer. The New Deal was progressive, aggressive, and just what the country needed to prepare itself for the future......

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