President's Agenda on Social Issues, Research Paper

Total Length: 1261 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

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Another author notes, "An increasing number of Americans worry that the presidency has grown too big, too powerful, and too menacing. Yet we also want the government -- chiefly, the president -- to 'do more'" (Healey, 2008). The people rely on the president to "fix" things, when in reality; the people sometimes have to take matters into their own hands. If they want health care reform, they notify their representatives, create their own citizen lobbies, and notify their political parties to work harder on reform (and to work harder to work together, something the country desperately needs).

Finally, we need health care reform because health care is one of the most expensive aspects of American life and government spending. Another author states, "We spend $2.5 trillion per year for healthcare, 17.5% of the gross domestic product. Under current trends, that will increase to 48% of GDP by 2050" (Tanner, 2009). Clearly, that type of spending is unsustainable. Health care reform could actually lower spending by capping insurance company costs, lowering drug costs, and making health care more affordable for everyone.

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Congress has worked hard on credit card reform and has created new laws that make the companies more responsible to their customers. They must do the same with health care reform, and make the insurance companies more responsible. Any health care plan must include laws that stop the practice of denying coverage for pre-existing conditions, and charging more for drugs in industrialized nations like the United States. Many drug companies charge exorbitant prices here in the U.S., while the exact same drugs sell for far less in other countries such as Europe and Canada. Congress needs to address this practice in health care reform, as well, and they need to work quickly.

In conclusion, America needs health care reform, and it needs it as quickly as possible. In recent years, Congress has been much more concerned with party politics and petty differences, rather than truly representing the American people. Both parties need to work together for the good of the country to develop a viable plan, rather than working against each other and against the people......

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