Preserving Information "T.M.I." Is a Essay

Total Length: 487 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Because of the invention of information technology (IT) like the computer, large amounts of information can not only be stored for an infinite amount of time on a physically small device, but that information can be catalogued, searched, isolated, and displayed for the user. Search engines can sift through copious amounts of information, which would have taken days or weeks in the past using only books, in just a few seconds. While computers allow modern society to compile more data than ever before, they also allow people to use that information in a meaningful way.

The 20th century saw rapid advances in technology which allow people to preserve, document, and archive information.
But this information would only serve to overwhelm people if it cannot be used effectively. Without a means to access the information efficiently, "too much information" could become a serious problem. But the computer, the same machine that allow people to record information, also allows people to categorize, organize, and isolate the information necessary for their purpose. Because of the computer, there really is no such thing as "too much information," and humanity has come to a stage where it can store every bit of information for use now and to study in the future......

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