Pre-Negotiation Objectives and Negotiation Plan to Address Essay

Total Length: 564 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Pre-Negotiation Objectives and Negotiation Plan

To address the challenges from the previous scenario requires creating pre-negation objectives and a negotiation plan. This will help to focus the team on the important milestones that must be reached during the process. At the same time, it is establishing a position that can be utilized to create a win -- win situation for everyone in the negotiating plan. Once this happens, is when an agreeable solution can be developed that is in accordance with the primary objectives of both sides. (Ashman, 2001, pp. 34- 43)

Pre-Negotiation Objectives

During the pre-negotiation, there are a number of different objectives that must be achieved the most notable include:

Creating a solution that takes into account the views of different team members and their backgrounds: In this kind of situation, each person has particular levels of experience they are bringing with them (i.e. financial, legal and operational).

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These different views can address potential weaknesses in the strategy and create a situation that will benefit everyone.

Understanding the demands of the other party: This is when all of the negotiating team members, are seeking to comprehend the needs of the other side. When this happens, they can create a solution that will address any potential issues and move the process forward.

Look for key areas of agreement: One of the most vital parts for any kind of negotiation is to have the other side agree. When this happens, they are more willing listen to new ideas with an open mind. It is at this point that they are flexible in critical areas. Once this takes place, is when the process of creating an agreeable solution will be much easier to….....

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