Power of Media Vs. Power of Me: Term Paper

Total Length: 335 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

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Power of Media vs. Power of Me: Young Adult Response to Movie Images

The topic of the effects of the media and its effects on adolescent self-image and self-esteem has become the subject of a number of academic research projects. In the literature reviewed, movies were found to included in the general definition of media. A majority of the studies posit that we gain our self-image by comparing ourselves to others. We attempt to find a group into which we fit. When we do not find a group to which we feel we belong, it can lead to a poor self-image and poor self-esteem.

There are many articles that draw a relationship between low self-esteem and conditions that can cause serious health problems such as bulimia, anorexia nervosa, depression and even suicidal tendencies. Most of the studies draw a clear cause and effect between unrealistic media images and the low self-esteem with all of its manifestations. B.J. Bushman and his many associates are responsible far a majority….....

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