Power of Media Term Paper

Total Length: 911 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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Power of the Media

Few things in life have much power to influence individuals and society as a whole, either negatively or positively. The media is one such medium. Whether it is books, the Internet, magazines, movies, music, newspapers, radio, television, or some other form, the media has tremendous power to impact both individuals and society as a whole, both negatively and positively. In recent years, there has been great controversy over whether the media has the power to promote or curb violence.

This paper analyzes and examines the power of the news and print media to promote or curb violence. Part II gives an overview of the role of the media in general. In Part III, how the media promotes or curbs violence is reviewed. Lastly, this paper concludes with recommendations for balancing the relationship between the media's need for freedom of expression and society's desire for less violence.


The media, in all its forms, serves a variety of useful functions. First, the media serves an informational function, i.e., to inform the public of breaking news such as medical advances, crime threats, political news, etc. In this respect, the media is highly responsible and useful to individuals and society, acting like somewhat of a "guardian" or educator. Next, the media serves an entertainment function, i.e., to provide individuals with news stories and shows of a less serious nature, i.e., shows like "Fear Factor," "Survivor," or "The Batchelor.
" This is also a highly useful function as it allows individuals to engage in somewhat of an "escape" from the everyday stress of real life, i.e., work and interpersonal stresses that all individuals endure.


In recent years, there has been increased controversy over rap lyrics, resulting in the "Parental Advisory" warning labels as well as a newly revised rating system for movies and video games that contain explicit lyrics or violence. Many feminists including, Joan Morgan, author of "From Fly-Girls to *****es and Hos," argue that the misogynist overtones frequently contained in rap music are a symptom of crisis in the African-American community. According to Morgan, the sexist and violent lyrics in rap must be confronted and understood rather than blatantly condemned. The danger inherent in censoring rap lyrics, movies, video games, or any other form of media that contains violent or sexually explicit lyrics is that it is censorship and prevents individuals and society from being exposed to new ideas and art forms.

The media promotes or curbs violence in numerous ways, both explicitly and implicitly. Generally, the media continues to seek to define, expand, and modify the line between "art" and "offensiveness" when it comes to rap lyrics, movies, and other….....

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