Post Modern Artist Julian Beever Term Paper

Total Length: 403 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

Another political and public sidewalk mural done by Beever is his Politicians Meeting Their End, drawn on the night of the 1997 General Elections outside the Bank of England. In this work, Beever creates the illusion of a deep well in the middle of the sidewalk with unpopular politicians being pulled in. Again, like most of his works, this one demands the viewers attention and gives a clear message.

Julian Beever's work encompass several post-modern ideas. First, his works is often focused on current events or celebrities, and therefore encompass the pop-art trend often found in postmodern art. Further, his work is a type of installation art in that it is created and displayed in extremely public places, often causing a disruption in the general flow of the area it is placed.
As such, his work is the essence of post modern's focus on the real and the current, making Julian Beever a true and unique postmodern artist.

For More Information:

Julian Beever's Home page:

Images of Julian Beever's chalk art:

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