Is It Possible to Blend Qualitative Approaches? Essay

Total Length: 869 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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Managing Different Perspectives in the Literature

One of the strengths of qualitative literature -- as well as one of its frustrations -- is its innate subjectivity. Different authors may present the reader with different approaches, both of which can be equally valid and still be characterized as qualitative. The variety of perspectives offered on qualitative research from diverse sources allows the individual researcher to tailor his or her approach to the specific subject of his or her research study. Unlike a quantitative, statistical approach which requires passing certain mathematical tests to be valid, the validity of a qualitative approach depends on the needs of the specific study. For example, for a primarily narrative qualitative study that is merely designed to showcase experiences, having a research question might not be particularly useful. However, for a grounded theory approach, a research question would likely be required to focus the research process and allow for more effective coding.

In the case of my specific research topic of human trafficking, keeping in mind different approaches could be helpful given that while on one hand I wish my findings to be useful in preventing the spread of human trafficking and helping its victims (an aim which would be enhanced with a research question), on the other hand, one reason why I think a qualitative approach is useful is because I do not wish to be directive about my subject's experiences.

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This desire to let subjects speak for themselves demands a more open-ended perspective than a hypothesis-directed approach. I must balance the need for rigor and utility with ethics. Also, because my topic has been relatively under-studied by previous researchers, I must be open to new experiences and data in a manner which is suited to a qualitative perspective.

Even a brief scan of recently published literature yields the finding that actual qualitative research rarely conforms to textbook models of qualitative analysis. A qualitative researcher must remember that the qualitative process is flexible and must shift and change with the demands of the subject. The subject matter should dictate the direction of the research but the researcher must still provide structure to the data and carefully filter what is germane to the research question from what is not. Good qualitative researchers must have a 'dual consciousness' and be able to filter relevant from irrelevant information; to know when to be focused and directive and to know how and when to assimilate unexpected findings and reevaluate their approaches.

This concept is underlined by Maxwell, who states "research design should be a reflexive process operating through every stage of the project" (Maxwell….....

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