Porter Novelli Southern Company Case Study Due Case Study

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Porter Novelli Southern Company Case Study Due Week 8 worth 150 points From Goldsmith & Carter textbook, select Porter Novelli (Chapter 12) Southern Company (Chapter 13) case study assignment.

Porter Novelli Case Study

Porter Novelli has established itself within the market as a provider of public relations services to non-profit organizations. Gradually, the company has created points of difference through the integration of technology and innovation. It now serves companies in over 60 countries and in various sectors, such as business, healthcare, education and so on.

Porter Novelli is worth analyzing due to the efficiency of its internal managerial decisions, which have supported its global ascension. In such a setting then, emphasis is placed on four distinctive aspects:

The effectiveness of the roles played by the strategic leaders in the formation of the performance management strategy

The development of an evaluation plan for the effectiveness of the talent management strategy and the statement of the means in which the data would be gathered

Critique and alternatives to the talent management strategy

The functional expertise components of the strategy and its ability to optimize the organizational ability to identify qualified individuals.

2. The roles of leaders

As Porter Novelli worked towards an improvement in its competitive position, it placed an increased emphasis on the management of their human resources and this materialized in the construction of a new plan for the performance management strategy.

The role played by the strategic leaders in this endeavor was fairly important in the meaning that the leaders were in charge of aligning the envisioned goals of the company with the individual goals of the employees (Snell and Bohlander, 2012). In other words, they placed an increased emphasis on the motivation and training of the staff members in an effort to align their commitments and performances with the requirements necessary to attain the pre-established company objectives.

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This role of the strategic managers reveals an importance in the creation of a direction, but it was also necessary for the firm to integrate the performance management strategy in an effective and efficient manner. At this level, the strategic leaders placed an increased emphasis on data collection, employee performance evaluation and objectives establishment. They proved generally efficient and effective in aligning these three dimensions to develop and implement the Leadership Pipeline (Goldsmith and Carter, 2009).

3. Evaluation criteria and data collection mechanism

In order to test the effectiveness and the results of the performance management program, it is necessary to assess the results at the level of five notable criteria. These are listed below:

The personal performances of the individual employees at Porter Novelli, measured and collected through the assessment of the ability of employees to complete the tasks assigned at superior levels of quality and in shorter times than before the Leadership Pipeline was implemented; in other words, the primary measure would be represented by employee productivity.

The financial results of the overall company, collected and measured in terms of the revenues generated by the provision of services by Porter Novelli.

The market popularity of Porter Novelli, measured in terms of the new orders received and the increase in the demand for the company's services in the aftermath of the performance plan implementation.

The satisfaction of the customers and the organizational ability to retain existent customers, as well as attract new ones. This would be measured by the orders received, as well as by direct interactions with the customers….....

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