Population Resources in 1954 North Term Paper

Total Length: 615 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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Although this is a great organization for the community, the downfall, or weakness is you have to be a member of this organization, it is not free for the community .

In 1972 Half Price Books was founded in Dallas, Texas, by Ken Gjemre.and Sharon's mother, Pat Anderson . Today, it remains a family-owned and operated business with both retail and wholesale divisions. Today strength of this company is it growing across the country, with more college students using this organization to buy books for classes . A weakness in this company is you're not always able to find what you're looking for, and then you have to wait for the books to arrive, so they might not be there in time for your first class. This is awesome company, with great prices on books, and other literature .

Today in North Texas, there are literally thousands of resources . Family resources for mothers with small children, educational resources for parents, and students, job market resources for those seeking work, and those needing work within their company, church organization resources for all religion preferences, animal rescue organizations, health resources, adoptions resources, housing resources, daycare resources, the list is endless . As you can see throughout the decades, more and more resources are available for Texans, who reside in North Texas.

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The strength of these resources is there are numerous resources available, the downside is where to you start, and how do you know what organization is good, and which one is not good . Are there enough resources to accommodate everyone in North Texas, and is there a language barrier with more Latinos crossing the border into to Texas, this is what North Texas is working how, so they can help every individual who research out for help, guidance, jobs, schools, communities to live in, farming, export, and….....

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"Population Resources In 1954 North", 20 March 2010, Accessed.3 July. 2024,