Population, Data Collection, Dependent and Term Paper

Total Length: 1579 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 6

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Using a random sampling helps to insure that there will be a randomly equal number of learning disabled students, gifted students, underachievers and overachievers in each group. In addition the random sampling will help insure a statistically close to equal sampling of males and females in each group.

Assumptions will also be made that the students will put forth their best effort in the class work and instruction so that the semester test results will be a true reflection of what they have learned in the American History course that semester.

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This methodology section is designed to produce the most pure results with regard to the research question. Care has been taken to explore the different elements of the research topic and produce the best possible method by which to test that question......

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"Population Data Collection Dependent And", 26 June 2007, Accessed.1 July. 2024,