Popular Culture and Media Influence Term Paper

Total Length: 686 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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S. invasion of Iraq under what we now know were false pretenses.

Subsequently, I considered the coverage of FOX News of the scheduled 2011 expiration of the Bush tax cuts with the facts and I realized that their coverage was tremendously biased as well. While the President made every effort to support preserving the tax cuts for the middle class and allowing only those benefiting the wealthy to expire, the GOP leadership shamelessly accused the Obama administration of wanting to "raise taxes during a recession." Likewise, FOX made absolutely no editorial comment criticizing the expressed goal of GOP leaders to use their 2010 assumption of control in the House of Representatives primarily to ensure the failure of the Obama presidency over all else, including the most important needs of this country.

However, nothing was more disappointing to me in terms of its significance for the bias of FOX News than its recent coverage of the debt ceiling fiasco engineered by Republican leaders.

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Instead of explaining that this entire problem was expressly created by the GOP and that they were literally holding the nation and much of the world hostage to a threat of a global depression, the FOX News reports focused on the GOP talking points accusing the Obama administration of "bringing the country to the edge of financial ruin."

Finally, the revelations about illegal FOX News practices in England sealed my position that the entire network is suspect. Ultimately, the entire process of discovering the extent of the bias of the organization changed my confidence in the news media in general. As a result, I no longer merely absorb news and I make an effort to obtain information from as many different sources as possible to avoid….....

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