Political Party the Political System Term Paper

Total Length: 788 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

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Although they are not the proponents of social assistance and of a welfare state, the Republicans do believe in helping those in need by tax reduction and improvement of the legislative sector (the White House, 2008). However, given this desire to increase the security abroad and to promote democracy worldwide, lives of American soldiers were lost in Afghanistan and Iraq. Aside from this negative result of the U.S. Republican Administration, the place of the American culture in the world has decreased in the sense that in many parts of the globe this prone to war attitude of the Republicans is interpreted by the Muslim countries in particular as a violent attitude.

A positive element of the Republican Party is their intention to give back to the U.S. The traditional image of the promoters of democracy. This is an important element because it ensures that the image of the leader of the world is maintained.

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This approach was obvious even in the 2006 National Security Strategy which ended in the words "America must lead by deed as well as by example" (the White House, 2006).

At this moment it can be said that the Republican Party has accomplished its goals rather successfully. It has managed to topple down a tyrannical regime in Iraq and restore democracy in Afghanistan. Still, in order to improve on its achievements and to counter the Democrats' attacks concerning foreign policy, it is important for the Republican Party to insure the support of its electorate and at the same time to try to convince Democrats' electorate of their intentions. This cannot be however achieved but through important social measures which would reach the ordinary American citizen, his education system, his health care policy, as well as the immigration policy, aspects which have taken little room in the 2008 Republican priorities.


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