Polaroid, R.I. the Story of Term Paper

Total Length: 332 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 0

Because of this perceived value, Land was also able to capture a large amount of value in terms of profits.

After the 1970s, however, technology exploded with ever more powerful computers and eventually digital photography. Digital cameras and later cell phones that incorporated digital technology diminished the perceived, created value of the Polaroid. Hence capturing value from this product also diminished. The limited success of later products from the Polaroid company further demonstrates their difficulty in creating the same value as they were able to do with instant photography.
Newer technology is simply better, faster, and cheaper.

In addition to the fact that technology changes at an increasingly rapid pace, one of the lessons that can be learned from Land's story is that, to capture value from technological products, value needs to be created by constant innovation......

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