Point Counterpoint Assessment Essay

Total Length: 489 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Counterpoint Assessment

The many complicated issues that are associated with assessments in education no doubt provide ample discussion material, as the teaching profession must be prepared to examine itself in a self-critical manner. To me, assessment can be used effectively when used in balance with other methods. The lack of importance that grades usually reflect outside the classroom environment supports this idea, but to eliminate assessment would also be taking away a key tool that is useful in monitoring progress.

The cause of this imbalance is a result of a misapplied strategy that seeks to only address problems and not solve them. Too often, educators focus on the subjects of what is being taught instead of the learning process itself. Learning how to think is much more important, and preliminary, before learning what to think.
The objective nature of accepted facts within the education environment erodes at the critical instincts that many students have to challenge these notions, which often results in boredom or disinterest.

Classroom assessments should not be viewed as the ultimate indicator of improvement or learning. Accomplishment and grades have been turned into obsessive fetishes by many administrators due to the financial implications of their practice. Since resources are many times dependent on the ability to schools to have their students score well on standardized tests, there appears a rift in the system that disconnects between those who dictate curriculum and those who are responsible for delivering that information….....

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