Plea Bargains From a Gut Level Reaction, Essay

Total Length: 586 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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Plea Bargains

From a gut level reaction, emotions start to boil whenever a show like this is aired. Questions about how the greatest country in the world can have such obvious flaws in a justice system that has been the envy of the worldwide legal community start to surface. Additionally, heartstrings are tugged, citizens are moved to make demands, and groups involved. What a great country we have! The next reaction felt however is to ask if this is really a story.

A recent report confirmed that "criminal cases rarely go to trial, because about 95% are resolved by plea bargains" (Lynch, 2011, p. 68). Contemplating such a large percentage of cases that never see the inside of a courtroom is mind boggling to say the least. Watching The Plea, one would likely start to wonder what percentage of the number of cases resolved by plea bargains actually result in misapplications of justice.

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It's a relatively simple matter for a news organization to put together a compelling piece to justify a producer or journalist's stance on any issue. The main objective of the news organization is not necessarily one that provides faith to the viewer, but rather one that garners as many viewers as possible. Publicizing a problem and submitting evidence of three or four cases that 'prove' there is a problem makes for good television. Therefore, my gut reaction is to watch with a jaundice eye, taking the rose colored glasses off for just a moment and being realistic about the problem.

One of the ramifications of the plea bargain is that it is going to affect some people more than others. Is there a bias toward race, class, or gender? There probably is. Is there enough of a bias to trash….....

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