Playing Beatie Bow the Role Essay

Total Length: 1598 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 6

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This puts katniss in a tough situation because it would mean that she has to kill the member of her own district. She managed to make the judges withdraw their announcement due to her intelligence. Katniss knew that the game makers would not allow both of them to die. Therefore, she takes out some poisonous berries and gives some to her mate from the district. They plan to eat them so that they can both die which would mean the game makers would lose. That way, the game makers stopped them and both of them emerged winners. Katniss learns that, at such an instance, one has to take a risk even if it means her and the mate dying (Collin 290).

Katniss realized that she had to be rebellious against the capital and the game makers.
This was the only way to win the game. Her aim was for them to win and return back to the district and save their district from hunger. This was evident during the interview when asked what was going on in her mind when she wanted to eat the poisonous berries. Through rebellion, she was able to challenge the game makers......

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