Play "Everyman" Is a 15th Term Paper

Total Length: 1794 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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An analysis of these words, if the analyst did not know the context, would indicate these words (although written in an archaic form) could refer to the modern-day social ills of prosperity, gluttony, greed, and possessions, which our society suffers from in great numbers. It seems as if society today is indeed "drowned in sin," and paying for it in numerous ways, from increased social violence, the decline of the American family, and of course the decline of family values.

In conclusion, "Everyman" is a morality play with a complete message and meaning. It gives the reader moral lessons about how to live their lives so that death is no longer a fearful activity. It also indicates that in the end, all the friends, possessions, and wealth in the world do not matter, because in death, you cannot "take it with you," no matter how hard you try. Thus, the message of this morality play is to live a good life, do good deeds, and live a life you are proud of, because that is the most important thing you can take with you (and leave behind) when you leave this Earth and journey to Heaven.
Everyman has to learn this the hard way, as he suddenly faces his own mortality. Hopefully, others will learn from this text, and make an attempt to create a better life for themselves while they still have the chance. That is the ultimate purpose of this text, and it does not matter who wrote it or what their ulterior motives were, it is still relevant and thought provoking today......

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