Planning, Budgeting, and Staffing a Project Research Paper

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Alarm Fatigue Resolution

Project Timeline from Implementation to Evaluation

Alarm fatigue resolution project is a critical project in the health care department and needs cautious implementation with minimal or no disruption of the daily activities in the care of patients. The approximate period for the implementation of this project and an evaluation thereafter will be three months. Four sequential processes will characterize project within the three months as follows:

Stage 1: Planning, ordering and putting up the implementation material and gathering the project implementation team (both technical and supportive) -- This will be done in the first three weeks. It is the first phase of this project and is vital for the realization of the entire implementation. Planning and gathering the project team together will allow sufficient time for consultation and discussion for this project and the way the implementation will continue as planned (Huber, 2010).

Stage 2: Identification of all the alarm controlled equipment and the number of patients currently using the equipment -- this will be done in the next one week. It is important that all the alarm-controlled equipment in the hospital and patients using the alarm equipment be identified. It will enable the team to work with the number of alarm equipments in mind and enhance the implementation process. Consequently, there will enhance minimal interruptions of the daily business in the hospitals especially around the equipment with alarm systems (Kerzner, 2004).

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iii. Stage 3: Project implementation: this will be done in the next five weeks, which falls in the subsequent two to three months of the project implementation. It will involve the actual effecting of the identified solutions to the problems existing in a smooth procedure that will not stall any operations in the hospital. It may require shifting of patients to other equipment or waiting until a patient is discharged, especially the critical ones that depend entirely on the equipment for monitoring and evaluation. This stage will also involve recruiting more staff in the hospital to monitor the patients from time to time, to cover up for the role that was being played by the alarms, as the project is implemented.

iv. Stage 4: Project evaluation -- This will be done in the next three weeks of the project, which falls in the third and last month of the project. This stage is vital since it will help to find out the success of the project that was being undertaken. It will involve testing of the new systems and also putting together the actual cost of the entire project, comparing it to the budget.

Project Budgetary Considerations for the Resolution Implementation

The budget for the project is vital to the success of the project since it gives the approximate costs that the entire project will require. The various considerations to be.....

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