Pinto Automobile Makers Are Responsible Term Paper

Total Length: 1813 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

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Unfortunately, many companies and industries have not learned from the mistakes of the Ford company; as this is an issue that continues to happen with a number of large companies. A prime example of an industry that continues to use a cost benefit analysis even when it involves human life is the airline industry. Many companies within the industry have known in the past that some parts of the planes that were being manufactured were defective and could result in crashes and ultimately death. Yet they still allowed these planes to be used. They, like Ford, did not take into consideration the lasting impact of still allowing these products to be used even when they were found to be defective. For instance, it has taken Ford many years to overcome the decisions and choices it made in regard to the Ford Pinto.

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The purpose of this discussion was to evaluate the ethical behavior of the Ford Motor Company as it relates to the manufacture of the Ford Pinto Automobile. We found that the Ford Motor company quickly developed and manufactured the Ford Pinto automobile. In addition, the company knew that the gas tank on the Pinto was defective and could potentially cause fires when accidents occurred. The research found that the company acted in a manner that was unethical when it allowed the continued manufacture of the Pinto and did not recall Pinto's that were already on the road even after there were several deaths that occurred as a result of the aforementioned problems. We also found that the company acted unethically in its decision to use a cost/benefit analysis involving human life......

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"Pinto Automobile Makers Are Responsible", 28 May 2006, Accessed.29 June. 2024,