Physical Security Models Essay

Total Length: 822 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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These can be layered by razor spiral at the top all around the perimeter wall. There could also be a second perimeter wall after the main one as well as security personnel patrolling the perimeter wall to handle any intrusions once detected. This type of perimeter wall works effectively in the layered security model since it gives the detection systems an inhibition backing to prevent intruders from accessing the business.

The intrusion can also come in the form of attempted access through the legitimate means like through the gate where the intruder will come in as any expected traffic. The layered physical security mode will have several choke points at the entry areas. There is the first heavy steel gate where vehicles stop for thorough and systematic checks. Electronic devices are used to check the vehicles and the visitors on foot are expected to go through metal detectors.

The security measures are not ended once the person goes through the gate and gets access to the building but there is a controlled access to some areas like the server rooms and identification tags are issued to keep tab and account for every individual within the compound.
There is need for various validation areas within the business premises to ensure that the individual is in the right area at all times hence avoid any issues of security compromise. The layered security system also works in such a manner that each control point within the building is linked to the other in such a manner that if there is security compromise in one region, it can be isolated and shut off from the other regions in order to prevent the threat from spreading to other regions.

It is important to note the significance of regular inspecting of the security system in order to be sure that the security works well al the time. The security system also needs to be managed or manned by the same group in order for there to be a well coordinated security system that does not leave gaps that could be explored by intruders......

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