Philosophy of Music Education, Dave Thesis

Total Length: 385 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

It is an essential part of understanding and being involved in humanity, and it evokes feelings and emotions in so many people - often feelings and emotions that they did not know that they had. For me, music is very special. It has deep and personal meaning in my life, and it is quite likely that there are many other people who share this kind of experience with it. It is this shared experience that helps to shape humanity, much more than whether they all know how to do algebra or correctly diagram a sentence.
Those things are important as well, but music and the way it makes a person feel is not something that the students of today should be denied. Music and what it teaches us about the world and about ourselves should always be part of education.

Sabine, Dave. (1994). A philosophy of music education. Retrieved at

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