Philosophy (Modernism) in the Age Term Paper

Total Length: 569 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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A similar pattern can be observed in Italian and Japanese societies during the same period that Germany was recovering from the world war. Japan was experiencing not only the effects of the Sino-Japanese conflict, but was also experiencing difficulties with an ongoing conflict with Russia. Because of these political conflicts, Japanese society was also in economic strife, but the political will and ambition of the Meiji leaders strengthened nationalism among the Japanese, which in effect led to a stronger nation that helped it become a dominant member of the Axis Power. Lastly, Italy was also recovering from the First World War, and the need to re-establish a stronger and economically prosperous nation became possible for the Italians under the leadership of Fascist leader Benito Mussolini.

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These circumstances helped these three countries establish strong nationalist movements that will eventually be the reason for the formation of the Axis Power.

The development of film gained significance not just as an art form, but also as a mass medium, since it enabled societies to document significant/important events in history. The film allowed people of the past and present to witness important events that happened in the past, seeing and hearing the truth rather than just hearing a "version" of history, as narrated and passed on by the people of history. Film became a medium that depicted truth in history, devoid of subjective interpretations that can lead to 'misinterpretations' and wrong perspectives about historical events......

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