Philosophers Today. It Is Important to Look Term Paper

Total Length: 310 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1+

philosophers today. It is important to look at coherentism in epistemology and its isolation problem.


In Epistemology "an Internalist position which maintains that individual beliefs receive epistemic justification from their coherent relation to the larger set of beliefs of the cognizer. That is, if a belief is coherent with the rest of a cognizer's beliefs, or some coherent sub-set of beliefs, then it is epistemically justified as well ("


A Coherentist may have a problem with isolation since there is "no obvious way in which a coherent system relates to anything that might exist outside of it. Therefore, it may be possible to construct a coherent theory of the world, which does not correspond to what actually occurs in the world (www.xasa.

Stuck Writing Your "Philosophers Today. It Is Important to Look" Term Paper?" A Coherentist may be able to create a completely coherent system which is completely false, resulting in isolation.

Coherentists have a different viewpoint about "the phrase 'correspond to reality'.….....

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