Philip Zimbardo's the Demise of Term Paper

Total Length: 700 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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I do agree that there has been a perceived decline in academic competency for men, but this appears to be an American phenomenon, and the reality is that there has been tremendous academic decline in both genders over the last 20 to 30 years. To say that the problem is a male problem ignores the decline in women's performance over the last few decades. Moreover, I do believe that, as female achievement in academic settings has been emphasized, boys' emotional needs in education have been ignored. For examples, schools have dramatically reduced both physical education and recess time, but repeated studies have suggested that boys need physical activity breaks in their study time in order to excel in an academic environment. If this sets them up for failure at a young age, one would anticipate higher drop-out rates and higher overall rates of academic failure.
Moreover, this academic failure could make them earn less, making them insecure, and that could lead to social insecurity with women.

I think it would be redundant for colleges to offer a course on the psychology of men. Almost every notable psychological experiment was conducted on groups of young, white males. The basics of psychology are based on how this group of people responds in different situations. For example, Zimbardo's own famous simulated prison-guard experience was conducted with white, male subjects. Therefore, any basic psychology class is going to cover the psychology of men. However, if video game and porn addictions are changing how men interact with society and diminishing their chances of success, then colleges should offer a course on addiction, and specifically focus on addictions that promote a drive for novelty......

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