Pew Research on Middle Class Research Paper

Total Length: 855 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Part 11. Explain what is meant by the term a simple random sample, and then offer an example.A simple random sample is simply a sample where all of the items in the sample pool have an equal chance of being chosen. For example, a sample size of 25 would lead to each item have exactly a four percent chance (100 / 25 = 4%) of being chosen.2. Indicate the difference between a simple random sample and a stratified random sample.In a simple random sample, the entire sample is one group. There is no subdivision. In a stratified random sample, the larger group is subdivided into smaller groups based on the shared traits that smaller parts of the sample have. For example, a sample where red and blue marbles are separated would be a stratified sample. If they are all left in one pool, that would be a simple sample.3. Explain what is meant in sampling by the term sampling bias. Then, provide an example of sampling bias.Sample bias is basically any situation where a sample is not truly random. If a sample pool is ostensibly a simple one but not all of the items in the sample have an equal chance of being chosen, then there is at least one form of bias present.4. Identify some of the problems that arise when taking surveys.There are a number of problems. Just a few of them would be getting a good sample of respondents (e.g. avoiding sample bias issues), designing the questions correctly, giving the right options for those questions and so forth so as to get a sample that is represented of the question asked.
If the sample or the survey questions themselves (or both) are…

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…23100, 22153, 21443, 20900, 20999, 22114, 22443, 22191, 23050b) Use the Excel function RANDBETWEEN to generate a random sample of 20 tickets. Copy and paste your Excel table into your Word document. 2131221662213742113221328211582181121760212782302621758209292179422820218342245222078212552276721115Part 31. The website for the Pew Research Center has many results from surveys. In particular, there are numerous articles about the Middle Class in America. Go to the website and find a recent survey-based article concerning the middle class.a) Write an essay that describes the main points of the article.b) Describe the survey used. Then, explain the type of survey that is used, and then provide the survey results. Length: 5- 7 pages .....

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