Personnel Management's Evolution Into Human Term Paper

Total Length: 490 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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External forces from outside the organization, such as globalization, ensure HR staff must keep abreast of how diversity amongst employees may lead to conflict and a need for more culturally sensitive forms of negotiation.

Motivation through the psychological insight of HR counselors, about creating high performance workplace teams is also helpful and necessary, in terms of creating the right staffing balance. Externally, the workplace has also changed in terms of the increasingly delicate balance between home and work time. Now, employees may work more hours on the job, yet make more use of from-home commuting such as telecommuting through the Internet and video conferencing. Dealing with the inevitable stresses of this schedule is part of HR's job as a counselor as well as an effective motivator.

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Maintenance in today's human resource management means dealing with performance issues, as well as ensuring personnel and management practices conform to various regulations. From the first, internal perspective, employees must be aware of how they are rated in terms of individual performance and how they can improve -- and also motivate others they lead to perform better. Externally, laws regarding nondiscriminatory policies and facilitating potential harassment must be complied with to ensure all employees are motivated by their secure location in non-threatening environment, where they can feel comfortable performing at their optimum best.


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