Personal Statement Like Millions of Admission Essay

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I want to design software for cell phones, or for iPads, or the Kindle, or any of the many technologies that are being manufactured today. There is a technological revolution going on in this country, and it has been going on since the advent of the Internet and personal computers.

But today, it excites me to think of the jobs that are going to be coming available as more and more companies get into developing and manufacturing mobile devices. Just a few years ago it seemed like a miracle that wireless technology was beginning to emerge. Having a phone to carry around and use instead of stepping into a germ-laden telephone booth was amazing to everyone then. But look where that technology has come since then!

Today phones like the iPhone are amazingly versatile. They are still cameras, video cameras, computers, editors and you can hear your favorite music on them. You can now read books on your iPhone while you check your email.

Stuck Writing Your "Personal Statement Like Millions Of" Admission Essay?

I am profoundly impressed at the direction that technology -- especially personal mobile technologies -- is going. I want to be part of that industry. That motivates me. I don't necessarily think I would be using an iPhone to read books, although I love reading, but as long as there is a market out there, I would like to help develop the next generation of innovation in that field.

In ten years from now, I want to be comfortably involved in the technologies industry, with a good job, a reputation for hard work and innovation, and I want to be respected, like everyone does. I know pulling myself up by my bootstraps is the only way I am going to accomplish my goals and dreams. But after learning how to work hard and honestly over the last three years, I am ready for my education, which will open the door to my….....

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