Personal Opinion, Real Life Experiences: Memory Is Essay

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Personal Opinion, Real Life Experiences: Memory

Memory is self-sustaining and an extremely complex mechanism that allows us to store, remember and extract information that we had put in our minds at some time. Individuals build their personality based on the memories they have. It is impressive to think about how our memory is built and how it works (Myers 33).

History has been the contested terrain established by a collection of individual memories. Memory is always essential in the construction of our experiences. Different authors have developed different concepts representing our memory. Our experiences are represented by a plethora of film techniques that establish different dimensions of past events. These techniques are used to show the relevance of experiences and the process by which our memory can reshape historical events Memory enables individuals to document their personal experiences, which enables them to understand the historical meaning and value of both the present and the past. Collective memories allow individuals to have a universal understanding of experiences and events and relate them with a personal history.

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This enables us to develop their own emotional connection with their past events (Myers 41).

Although many people think that human memory operates like a recording machine, this is not the case. The mechanisms underlying the construction and maintenance of memory remains dynamic and entails different phases that cover up to an individual's lifetime. Research shows that memories are constructed. Individual through encoding them and recalling them constructs memories. From my classroom experience, I also learnt that when people are filled with misleading information consistently, they are likely to misremember. This phenomenon is referred to as the misinformation effect (Myers 17). Interestingly, researchers have shown that false memories occur because it requires people to imagine circumstances that they have not encountered repeatedly. For instance, some may be required to believe that he/she had really acted on what he/she had imagined previously. Later, they asked the participants whether they had performed such an act. It is evident that….....

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