Personal Conflict Style Assessment Using the Conflict Essay

Total Length: 603 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Personal Conflict Style Assessment

Using the conflict management style survey to determine my conflict management style was an insightful experience. The scores from the analysis show the role of collaborator (45), compromiser (30), controller (21), accommodator (19) and avoider (13) are the order of conflict management styles must relied on in work-related conflict situations. Conflict-handling styles are predicated on the aggregation of experiences, perceptions, successful and unsuccessful interactions, and outcomes over an extended period of time, defining a person's leadership style in the process (Cerni, Curtis, Colmar, 2012).

The dominant style of collaborator is best aligned with complex situations where each side of a conflict, including multiple sides of a conflict, each have specific requirements or needs to be met within the conflicted situation. Concentrating on creating a shared sense of ownership with regard to collaboration can significantly improve the probability of a successful outcome (Shetach, 2012). Collaboration is also most appropriate when each person or department participating in the conflict has independence from each other yet dependence on a common outcome. Shared ownership if outcomes leads to greater levels of collaboration over time (Romer, Rispens, Giebels, Euwema, 2012). Studies have also shown that collaboration is also highly effective in knowledge-centric industries where expertise needs to be shared across broad groups (Cerni, Curtis, Colmar, 2012).

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A collaborative approach to conflict management is well-suited for the scenarios where new products are being developed and cross-functional teams are needed for getting the product defined and built. In summary, collaborative conflict resolution is very valuable in situations where each department or person is independent yet needs to be persuaded to contribute to a shared project and outcome.

A collaborative approach to conflict management is not appropriate in situations including the military where command-and-control structures are in place organizationally. When military divisions go into combat, more of a controller approach to conflict management is necessary to keep the entire unit of soldiers safe. Collaboration in those situations would not work. The same holds true for production centers where specific instructions need to be followed in order for work to get done.

The types of conflict situations handled by my lesser styles of accommodator (19) and controller (21) include managing conflicts in operations, production and service where measurable output and differences in opinion need to be put aside to reach an immediate, measured goal. The more short-term in scope a given task the greater the….....

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