Path Goal Styles Path-Goal Theory Research Paper

Total Length: 857 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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Once goals are set, there are very specific routes that can be taken to achieve the goals and I firmly believe that when there is a path -- or what is a map, essentially -- the journey to that goal becomes that much easier. Really, path-goal theory is about finding the way, creating a plan that has the success of the goal in mind constantly. Throughout this process supportive leadership is needed and I believe that supportive leadership is something that I do naturally. I am friendly and open and I like to hear about the obstacles that individuals feel stand in their way of reaching their goals. I feel that I am supportive and a good problem-solver at the same time. Having a supportive and, overall, nice place to work is so important to getting the results that leaders want. That being said, the achievement-oriented approach to path-goal leadership is a good style to blend with supportive leadership because it challenges subordinates to work to their highest potential. In combination with a supportive work environment, achievement-oriented leadership can help create the highest standard of excellence (Northouse 2009).

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Path-goal theory is all about helping subordination along the path to their goals (Northouse 2009). The leader can help the individuals find behaviors that can specifically help them reach their goals. When the leaders are able to choose these behaviors correctly, then the leaders are able to increase their subordinates' expectations for success (2009).

Though path-goal theory is rather complex in nature, breaking it down can be helpful. Path-goal leadership essentially defines goals, clarifies a path, removes obstacles, and then provides support (Northouse 2009). This seems pretty cut-and-dry, however, there are many factors such as leader behaviors, characteristics having to do with the subordinates and motivation that can complicate path-goal theory.

Path-goal leadership can help subordinates actually do better work, but only when the leader is able to accurately identify the behaviors that they should be capitalizing on -- and ones that they should not. Leaders can take a very powerful approach to path-goal leadership, or simply use it where needed......

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