Paris Is Burning Discuss the Film Review

Total Length: 710 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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" Rather the participants described different aspects of the ball and the culture themselves. I think in this film the lack of narration worked well. It let the viewer form their own opinions of what they were seeing without any guidance. Since most of the viewers were probably unfamiliar with such cultures, the lack of narration made the film thought provoking.

4) Native voice -- Did any members of the group being filmed actually speak for themselves (with subtitles if necessary)? Would the film have been improved if you had heard from them? How?

Yes, the entire film portrayed members of the group speaking for themselves. They were undoubtedly prompted to describe certain aspects of the group and the culture, however they certainly told their stories from their perspectives.

5) Ethnographic information - Did the film give you enough background information to sufficiently understand the culture or group of people being filmed, including a satisfactory understanding of their cultural practices, where they live, how they live, etc.…

In my opinion, the director provided a fairly comprehensive amount of information about the group and their culture within the time restrictions inherent in the film. The culture is at least a few generations old and is quiet diverse so there was undoubtedly much that wasn't covered.
However, I think the film does a good job of providing an introduction to the group and their culture.

6) Did the filmmaker discuss his/her theoretical or personal perspectives to help you understand why the film was constructed the way it was?

No, there was no discussion from the filmmaker. In fact I believe this is one of the strengths of the film. The group and their culture is one that most would find shocking and probably alien to their lives. Portraying the culture without an opinion lets the viewer draw their own conclusions and most viewers will likely find the film thought provoking. This would probably be lost if the filmmaker guided the viewer….....

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