Painting "The Magic Circle" by Research Paper

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It is surprising in its theme and focus, because it was painted during the Victorian era, when many people were experimenting with seances and other occultism, and yet the general public did generally not accept that. And yet, this painting was, and it was purchased by the gallery shortly after it debuted, showing how much they valued the painting. All of the little details engage the reader, but they all have significance, too. The ravens are carrion eaters who prey on the dead, the snake is relevant to original sin, and the Egyptian motifs are ancient and mysterious. The actual "magic circle" is the red-hot circle in the sand, created by the woman's wand, and the painting is especially engaging and interesting. Every time the viewer looks at it they see something new and arresting, and that is a testament to a worthy work of art.

The Tate Gallery invested in this painting not only because of its supernatural theme, but because it was a well executed and well received painting. The painting itself is beautiful, and deceptively simple.

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In fact, after you look at the main theme of the painting, you will find it is quite complex, with details that add to the overall impact of the painting. The goal of the work is much more than to entertain the viewer. In fact, the goal of the work is to show the artist's interest in the occult, a growing field of study at the time. There is something forbidden or "dangerous" about the work, and perhaps that is what makes it so compelling. The viewer might feel just a little bit "naughty" when viewing it in the nineteenth century and that could have been a goal of the artist, as well. Stylistically, it is a beautiful painting, well executed down to the smallest detail, and the details are all driven to the central theme of the painting. Many of the other impressionists, such as Monet or Van Gogh may be better known, but this painting by Waterhouse embodies the impressionist movement, and it still commands….....

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