Owner of the Company I Term Paper

Total Length: 882 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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It is also important for the employees to know that the software is able to generate the required reports aimed at the assessment of the product development and new concepts, the exercise was previously difficult to comprehend and its practice was generally avoided. The future course of action can be decided upon through this software, which will broaden the scope of activities, and will assure the high probability of success.

Question No. 2

The employees who are reluctant to exercise Customer Relationship Management Software will be handled in strict manner, the company shall never adopt reluctant approach towards development and positive trend only due to the concerns of the employees, who are not serious about not learning, but only focus about the current mode of application. The challenges can be only endured provided that the employees are willing to take bold initiatives, and incorporate modification in the gray areas. The modification is the requirement of the competition, and such modifications will never be avoided solely due to the lack of professional and non-committal approach of the employees. As an employer, I'll take serious notice of such irregularity, and stern course of action shall be adopted.

The stern action will be however applicable where the employees offer open resistance towards the implementations of provisions for Customer Relationship Management.
The employees who have expressed their interest towards the software, and have endorsed the developmental features of the software will be offered training. The objective of he training course shall be to specialize the employees, and equip them with the potential resources and knowledge fundamental for the basic operation of the Customer Relationship Management. The specialize operations and features of the software shall be left at the discretion of the employees, and the employees shall be offered the right to define the extent of the application of he software on personal basis, depending upon the learning capability of the each employee. However, the employees who are able to practices the software and related features at large scale, and are able to reflect good performance shall be offered financial incentives. The training session shall be level-based, and upon the clearance of each level the employee shall be qualified for the next level. The training sessions shall not be continuous, in order to avoid any distraction from the routine responsibilities of the employees. The entire scheme will take less than a period of six-month; however the pre-execution planning phase will take another….....

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