Osteoporosis Reducing Osteoporosis Risk by Research Proposal

Total Length: 665 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Therefore, differences caused by calcium supplementation may not be notices. Differences that are more noticeable may be found in a population of women that is calcium deficient prior to the supplementation program.

The Wallace & Ballard study concluded that physical activity and calcium intake could increase bone mass. However, in absence of clinically significant dosage, the results of the study remain subjective. It is not known if patients were able to assess accurately their calcium intake accurately, or if they accurately reported their physical activity.

Both of these studies have merit, even though they reached opposing conclusions about the importance of calcium intake and BMD. Both studies contained numerous confounding variables that could have affected the results and that could have influenced interpretation of the results. From a clinical standpoint, the experimental design is more conclusive.

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However, these results may have been influenced by a number of confounding variables, such as the amount of dietary calcium in the group. It is possible that sampling technique used in the Wallace & Ballard study may have been biased towards women that already have healthy habits regarding exercise and dietary intake of calcium.

There are many factors that could have influenced the outcome of the studies examined. The experimental design is the more credible of the two. Based on these findings it is difficult to draw a conclusion that calcium supplements increase BMD in young women. However, both of these studies agree that reaching the optimal BMD in one's early years is a key factor in the ability to stave off osteoporosis in the later years......

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