Osteoporosis Term Paper

Total Length: 1459 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1+

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Treatment of osteoporosis revolves around specific calcium and vitamin D medication programs but first and foremost in importance is the institution of regular, healthy and appropriately strenuous exercise. This helps to strengthen both muscle support for fragile bones and improves ambulatory abilities to the end of helping to reduce the likelihood of accidents. Additionally, a lifestyle of activity can have decidedly positive preventative properties as well, serving as one of many imperatives to commit to regular exercise.

So is this also the case with respect to nutrition. Dietary habits are both a significant part of prevention and treatment. With respect to the latter, sources on dealing with osteoporosis indicate that there are specific eating patterns which one can commit to as a way of fighting the conditions effects. Accordingly, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2004) indicates that "since many nutrients are important for bone health, it is important to eat a well-balanced diet containing a variety of foods. Following the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (USDA 2000, USDHHS 2000) can help, although attention should be paid to serving sizes. These guidelines urge individuals to eat 6 -- 11 servings of grain foods, 3 -- 5 servings of vegetables, 2 -- 4 servings of fruits, 2 -- 3 servings of dairy or other calcium-rich foods, and 2 -- 3 servings of meat or beans each day." (USDHHS, 1)


The discussion here denotes that we have sufficient information to identify specific high risk groups for the development of osteoporosis as well as to provide these groups with a set of lifestyle changes that can have distinctly preventative effects. However, the discussion also indicates that diagnosis and treatment are possible and will be beneficial if not lifesaving for those already afflicted. The general discussion here denotes that there is an imperative to produce a greater awareness amongst adult women in various populations of the ways that this condition may be prevented; of the need for regular screening for the onset of the condition; and, where appropriate, of the ways that treatment can be accessed and pursued.

Research Questions:

1. Given the degree to which osteoporosis primarily impacts the female population, what are some effective ways to reach out to female demographics with information campaigns?

2. How do cultural patterns relating to lifestyle and diet contribute to the population presence of osteoporosis?

3. What impact does this condition have on men? Are there outreach groups specifically intended to help the rare male sufferer?

4. Are there genetic predictors that can help to preemptively identify the likelihood of osteoporosis?

5. What are some ways to improve accessibility to treatment for individuals suffering from immobility and other health problems compounding the danger of osteoporosis?

Summation List:

1) Definition

Osteoporosis is a loss of bone density which occurs when a reduction in certain hormonal production rates leads to inadequate absorption of bone strengthening vitamins and nutrients. The result is skeletal fragility and a host of peripheral pains.

2) Radiographic appearance

There are specifically preferred processes which are used for diagnosis and for measurement of the advancement of the condition. Accordingly, "the so-called "areal" or "surface" bone mineral density (BMD in g of hydroxyapatite per cm2) can be determined by single- or dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (SXA and DXA). The values generated by these techniques are directly dependent on both the size and integrated mineral density of the scanned skeletal tissue." (WHO, 16) This measurement is used to determine the extent to which bone density has been lost.

3) Signs & symptoms

Symptoms for osteoporosis will generally begin with pain in the neck and back due to spinal cord and nerve compression. Additional signs will occur due to skeletal fragility, with breaks occurring with greater ease and frequency.

4) Treatment

Treatment includes medication programs using calcium and vitamin D Additionally, a carefully constructed nutritional plan and range of limited exercises are intended to strengthen bones and supporting muscle structure.

5) Diagnosis/Prognosis

The diagnosis and prognosis of the condition will vary considerably from one individual to the next. The great effecter in each will be the.....

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