Organizational Theory Is Creativity Only Important and Term Paper

Total Length: 562 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Organizational Theory

Is creativity only important and certain kinds of jobs and organizations or is it important in most jobs and organizations? Give both points-of-view. State and substantiate your point-of-view.

The creative acumen of a particular employee can often present companies with an array of opportunities for organizational improvement, as even a single inspired idea may result in systemic refinement. When employees are encouraged to manage their responsibilities and tasks in a creative fashion, whether that be improvising improved methods of organization or integrating technological tools to modernize processes, the organization at large stands to benefit immensely from this combination of imagination and inspiration. While certain kinds of jobs and organizations place a higher degree of emphasis on creativity, including the advertising, design and construction industries, the ability to effect positive results through creative expression is highly prized in most, if not all, vocational outlets.

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Research on the efficacy of promoting creativity within the workplace has consistently demonstrated that "although certain individuals may be more likely than others to be creative, creativity is also more likely to occur in certain situations than in others … (and) four situational characteristics are likely to affect creativity: level of autonomy, form of evaluation, reward system, and the importance of a task or problem" (George, Jones & Sharbrough, 2002). These situational characteristics suggest that an organization is fully capable of emphasizing creative expression as an occupational skill, simply by enabling employees to maintain a certain level of autonomy, evaluating their progress fairly, providing a tangible system of reward and recognition, and properly prioritizing tasks.

Many managers may still cling stubbornly to the outmoded notion that conformity and uniformity is central to organizational….....

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