Organizational or Systemic Change Essay

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1. Describe one tactical and one strategic intervention that you believe to be critical to managing the implementation of organizational or systemic change. Why are these interventions important to consider when implementing change?

Strategic Intervention

Leadership application: Pucko and Cater (2010) claim that although a well-designed strategy, human resources, and an effective and sound competency pool, are highly vital to the success of a strategy, ineffective leadership forms a key barrier to effective implementation. The executive board and Chief Executive should concentrate on the numerous organizational interfaces. One of the main challenges to effective execution of organizational strategy is guaranteeing workforce buy-in as well as channelling their business understanding and capabilities towards corporate change. Thus, effective leadership is the most important factor of all. A second viewpoint claims that ineffective leadership gives rise to contradictory priorities which will, in turn, give rise to weak coordination, as the workforce suspects that the management team shies away from potentially awkward and threatening situations (Rajasekar, 2014).

Tactical Intervention

Research scholars held the optimistic belief that the introduction of the effective JIT (Just-in-Time) concept would lead to immense benefits in the management of organizational change implementation. JIT can undoubtedly achieve the above, if everything goes right.
But those who speak from experience claim that some or other things will invariably go wrong. This is why research scholars encourage avoiding "success orientation" -- they recommend adopting a pessimistic approach when planning; this they term as the "failure-avoidance" strategy of management. This strategy prioritizes the possibility of failure and erring, attempting to decrease such likelihoods, and insuring consistent and efficient performance even when faced with disturbance (Sonenshein, 2014).


A 2010 research conducted by O'Reilly, Chatman, Caldwell, Self, William and Lapiz determined that only when the efficiency of managers stationed at different rungs of the management ladder was taken into account as a whole did appreciable improvements occur in performance related to strategy implementation. Implementation covers numerous elements, of which some may be altered or changed directly, while the rest may only be altered indirectly. It is harder for strategic managers to modify and control the latter elements. Adopting a transformational approach to leadership leads to the most effective competitive strategies, which include marketing differentiation, low product costs, and innovation differentiation (Rajasekar, 2014).

2. Change affects individuals and corporations both socially and financially. Should greater care be….....

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Cater, T., & Pucko, D. (2010). Factors of effective strategy implementation: Empirical evidence from Slovenian business practice. Journal for East European Management Studies, 15(3), 207-236

Kansal, S., & Chandani, A. (2014). Effective Management of Change During Merger and Acquisition. Procedia Economics and Finance, 11, 208-217.

O'Reilly, C.A., Caldwell, D, F., Chatman, J.A., Lapiz, M., & Self, W. (2010). How Leadership Matters: The Effects of Leaders' Alignment on Strategy Implementation. Leadership Quarterly, 21(1), 104-113

Paul, M. L. (2015). The Future of Organizational Change Management. IBA Bachelor Thesis Conference.

Rajasekar, J. (2014). Factors affecting Effective Strategy Implementation in a Service Industry: A Study of Electricity Distribution Companies in the Sultanate of Oman. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 172.

Sonenshein, S. (2014). How organizations foster the creative use of resources. Academy of Management Journal, 814-848.

Thomas, O. O. (2014). Change Management and its Effects on Organizational Performance of Nigerian Telecoms Industries: Empirical Insight from Airtel Nigeria. International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education, 170-179.

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