Organization: Microsoft Corporation. Since the Bygone Thirty Term Paper

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Organization: Microsoft Corporation.

Since the bygone thirty years, technology has revolutionized the manner in which we work, play and communicate. From the setting up during the year 1975, the company- Microsoft has enjoyed leadership in this revolution. As a manifestation of that role and to aid in concentrating on the opportunities that lie at the forefront Microsoft's mission has been: to facilitate people and businesses across the world to realize their full potential. (Mission and Values)

The central values of the company are (i) Broad Customer Connection-linking with customers, realizing their requirement and the manner in which they use technology, and providing value through information and support to assist them attain their potential. (ii) A Global, Inclusive Approach -- Thinking and acting in a global scale (iii) Achieving excellence- in everything (iv) Trustworthy Computing- Intensifying customer faith by the quality of products and services, sensitivity and accountability, and predictability in everything. (v) Great people with great values (vi) Pioneering and Responsible Platform Leadership- enlarging the platform innovation, advantages and scope for customers and partners; frankness in discussing future directions; receiving feedbacks and collaborating with others to guarantee that their products the platform of Microsoft work well together and (vii) Facilitating people to perform new things- expanding preferences for choices for customers through identifying new spheres of business and nurturing novel products. (Mission and Values)

Redmond-based Microsoft Corporation was established in 1975 as a supplier of then popular Disk Operation System -DOS and developer of programming languages for the first IBM personal computer. Twenty-six years later, it is a dominant and the most powerful force in the software industry, making its Chairman Bill Gates a living legend and becoming the richest person on this planet besides being a dominant player in technology history.

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His net worth is in excess of $35 billion. Today the company is the worldwide leader in software, services and Internet technologies for personal, business and enterprise computing. (Microsoft SWOT Analysis)

SWOT analysis:


(i) The largest software company in the world with global name recognition and strong reputation for innovative products. (ii) Multinational corporation carrying out business through regional subsidiaries to minimize cultural disparities in excess of 60 countries (iii) Received highest rating from Fortune for most admired company and best company to work with. (iv) Its software products are widely popular which includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, possess a lot of powerful features used globally promoting standardization and competitive edge through easy integration and methods of cost-effectiveness. (v) Its newest .Net platform will allow organizations and individuals to communicate and share data without in-depth knowledge of each other's IT systems and platforms. (SWOT Analysis: Microsoft Corporation)


(i) Viewed by a lot of people as a cut-throat competitor that employs its dominant market position to marginalize competition through destroying the competitor's products, preventing product innovation, and lessening the availability of competitor's products. (ii) Products have a single application focus found not to function properly with or with top line products of other companies. (iii) Dependency on manufacturers of computer hardware to install Microsoft's PC operating system. (iv) Within the years 1990-1995,….....

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