Operating Systems Are the Very Essay

Total Length: 1889 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 10

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Without the consent of the user, the program will never be elevated to administrator privilege. The MIC or integrity levels is again a new security concept with Vista OS. This feature is controlled by the Access control entry (ACE) in the System Access control List (SACL) of a file, process or a registry key. By associating every process with an integrity level, the OS limits privilege escalation attacks. [Matthew Conover]


Operating systems are the very core of the computers and control the basic functions of resource abstraction and resource sharing. Today, new, more efficient and robust operating systems are being developed that promise to offer entirely new levels of computing power, improved stability and overall security. Most operating systems use virtual memory mapping and extensive security features such as firewalls and other encryption tools built in to control data compromise and information theft specifically for the Web. There is also a shift in the trend towards a microkernel-based architecture (as XP) as it promises more stability than a monolithic architecture that promises more speed. The rapid development in the open source market such as the newly developed Google Chrome OS, which is slated for released this year is an indication of the considerable changes that are ahead in future pertaining to computer operating systems.


1) Microsoft, 2010. Get in the Fast Lane [Online] Available at, http://www.microsoft.com/servers/64bit/overview.mspx, [Accessed 2nd Feb 2010].

2) Andrew S. Tanenbaum, 1998. "Modern Operating Systems," Prentice Hall.

3) Xeni Jardin, 2009. Google announced Chrome Operating System, open Source Windows Competitor [Online] Updated July 7, 2009, Available at, http://boingboing.net/2009/07/07/google-chrome-os.html [Accessed 2nd Feb 2010]

4) Jonathan Corbet & Alessandro Rubini & Greg Kroah Hartman 2005. Linux Device Drivers: Memory Mapping and DMA, pg 412. O'Reilly Media Inc. Third edition http://lwn.net/images/pdf/LDD3/ch15.pdf

5) Matthew Conover, 2006. Analysis of Windows Vista Security Model [Online] Available at, http://www.symantec.com/avcenter/reference/Windows_Vista_Security_Model_Analysis.pdf [Accessed Feb 2nd 2010]

6) Microsoft, 2003. What's new in Security for Windows XP professional and Windows XP Home Edition [Online] Available at, http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb457059.aspx [Accessed Feb 2nd 2010]

7) SYBEX INC, 2002. "Windows XP Professional: Complete" John Willey & Sons

8) O'Reilly, Open.....

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