Ontological Humility and Double Publishing Essay

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Ontological Humility and BMIIntroductionOne of the key debates in cognitive psychology is the question of whether higher-level cognition is best understood as a process of differentiation (i.e. breaking down information into smaller and smaller parts) or integration (i.e. putting information together to form new and more complex representations). This debate has important implications for how we understand the process of innovation. On one hand, if we see innovation as a process of cognitive differentiation, then it is all about coming up with new and unique ideas. On the other hand, if we see innovation as a process of cognitive integration, then it is all about taking existing ideas and combining them in new and interesting ways.The ontological humility principle states that we should be open to the possibility that our current understanding of the world is incomplete or even wrong (D’Oro, 2019). This principle has important implications for how we think about innovation. First, it means that we should not be too quick to dismiss new ideas out of hand. Second, it means that we should always be open to the possibility that there are better ways of doing things.CognitionCognition refers to the process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses. It encompasses all mental processes, including attention, memory, perception, decision-making, language, and problem-solving. It is an important part of innovation, and involves differentiating as well as integrating.Differentiation and IntegrationCognitive differentiation is the process of breaking down complex information into smaller, more manageable pieces. This allows us to better understand and remember the information. Cognitive integration is the process of putting back together the smaller pieces of information to form a cohesive whole. This allows us to see connections and relationships that we might not have noticed before. Both cognitive differentiation and integration are essential for effective learning and memory (Siegler & Chen, 2008)Business Model InnovationShould organizations undergo redesign prior to implementing BMIs? The answer may depend on the specific organization in question. There are advantages and disadvantages to both approaches. Ultimately, it is up to each organization to decide whether or not organizational redesign is necessary for the successful implementation of BMIs.Assumptions Needed to Answer the BMI QuestionsThe first assumption is that organizational redesign is necessary for the successful implementation of a BMI. The second assumption is that organizational redesign is a prerequisite for business model innovation (Foss & Saebi, 2017). However, there is evidence to suggest that neither of these assumptions is necessarily true. In some cases, organizational redesign may actually hinder the successful implementation of a BMI. For example, if a company undergoes a major reorganization just before launching a new business model, it may be difficult to align employees with the new model and create the necessary level of buy-in.

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Similarly, if a company tries to implement a BMI without first understanding how it will fit within the existing organization, it is likely to encounter resistance from employees and other stakeholders.…

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…inaccurate, we will be more likely to revise them in light of new evidence. In this way, ontological humility can help us to avoid both dogmatism and skepticism.Double-Publishing APAIn academic publishing, the practice of double-publishing refers to the submission of papers to more than one journal simultaneously. While this practice is generally discouraged, it is not considered unethical if the papers are significantly different in scope and content. However, some researchers argue that double-publishing violates the spirit of academic integrity, as it misleads readers by giving the impression that the research is more important or groundbreaking than it actually is.Personal View on Double-PublishingMy personal view on double-publishing is that is not acceptable. Once a thing is submitted, one should wait for word back. If rejected, one can try another journal.False Assumptions and Personal BiasesDouble-publishing can create a false sense of consensus within the scientific community, as other researchers may only be aware of the papers that have been published in high-profile journals. In light of these concerns, many scholars argue that double-publishing should be avoided altogether. However, others believe that the practice can be acceptable if it is done transparently and with the intention of advancing knowledge rather than self-promotion.ConclusionsThe Business Model Innovation (BMI) framework is an example of how ontological humility can be applied in the business world. BMI is all about constantly questioning assumptions and looking for ways to improve existing business models. This framework has been used by some of the world’s leading….....

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