Online Hemodiafiltration Essay

Total Length: 730 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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Online Haemodialfiltration

HDF is a strategy that that enables high potential of hydraulic and solute permiabilityof synthetic membranes hence they can be properly exploited. The high cost of the fluids in bags that are commercially prepared as well as the improvement of technology of dialysate preparation and fluid filtration has made it possible in recent years for the development of the novel technique known as online HDF. In this technique a particular amount of freshly prepared ultrapure dialysate is taken daily from daily dialysate inlet line and then processed with several filtration steps before they are used as replacement fluid. With this technique, large amounts of replacement solutions that are relatively inexpensive are made available and HDF can be carried out with a high fluid turnover under the utilization of pre- and post-dilution or even consecutive pre-post dilution in proportions that differ (Yvonne, 2011).

On-line hemodifiltration provides the largest amount when it comes to the purification of blood over very wide molecular weight spectrum that can be achieved with the present existing renal replacement therapies. When it is used with the state of the art dialysis membrane as well as systems of treatment, this biocompatibility of the online HDF is quite high. The online production of the unlimited amount of these sterile dialysate at very low costs has made it possible for its extensive diffusion over the recent years.
In order to achieve efficient convective transport, infiltration rates have to be forced towards the existing physical limits, being cautious about safety of the patient and to the integrity of the system

Advantage of Online Haemodialfiltration

This mode of treatment has several advantages such as a decrease in mortality and morbidity. This mode of treatment also means a better hemodynamic stability and better control of blood pressure .with this treatment there is an increase in biocompatibility due to the combined use of ultrapure dialysis fluid, biocompatible membrane and passivation of the membrane through these of proteins coating layer. It also leads to a decrease in systematic inflammatory makes it possible to remove middle molecules such as [beta]microglobulic. It generally has improved dialysis efficiency for small and middle molecules. The process leads to an improvement in….....

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