Online Advertising YouTube Commercials Chapter

Total Length: 420 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 0

Commercial #1

1. Provide a brief name/title for the commercial.

Heart-healthy Cheerios advertisement

2. Provide the hyperlink to the commercial.

3. Briefly describe the positioning statement.

Cheerios are loved by all families

4. Identify the target market.

The advertisement depicts an interracial couple (which made it controversial when it was first released) but the text of the advertisement simply emphasizes that Cheerios are heart-healthy in a “cute” way.

5. How does the advertising design and message strategy appeal to the target market?

The advertisement subtly communicates that Cheerios are suitable for families of all kinds, while also emphasizing its healthy yet kid-friendly appeal.

6. The commercial’s design applies to which step in the hierarchy of effects model? Briefly explain.

The commercial does not take a “hard selling” approach and appeals to the “liking” stage of the hierarchy of effects model, in other words it focuses on communicating warm feelings about the product.
Commercial #2

1. Provide a brief name/title for the commercial.

Stuck Writing Your "Online Advertising YouTube Commercials" Chapter?

Budweiser Puppy Love

2. Provide the hyperlink to the commercial.

3. Briefly describe the positioning statement.

Budweiser is the brand you always return to, just like the puppy and horse in the advertisement are reunited.

4. Identify the target market.

Middle-class, middle-American consumers loyal to the Budweiser brand.

5. How does the advertising design and message strategy appeal to the target market?

The storytelling approach emphasizes the iconic aspects of the brand, rather than its taste or alcoholic properties.

6. The commercial’s design applies to which step in the hierarchy of effects model? Briefly explain.

Preference—emphasizing the iconic images of the Budweiser Clydesdales reminds the consumer of what is unique about the brand.

Commercial #3

1. Provide a brief name/title for the commercial.


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"Online Advertising YouTube Commercials", 05 September 2017, Accessed.26 June. 2024,